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The FirmTek miniSwap/U3 Trayless, Hot-Swap, external enclosure, provides an ultra high performance USB 3.0 interface for 2.5-inch SSD and HDD. As computers become smaller and lighter the miniSwap/U3 offers an elegant, compact storage solution for Surface Pro, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, Mac mini, iMac or Windows computers.
Why customers want the U3
While Barefeats performance tests show the miniSwap/U3 is faster
than most bus powered Thunderbolt enclosures, its also amazingly easy to mount HHD/SSD using its trayless deign. When you compare its innovative drive swapping
technology to other bus powered enclosures that seal the drive inside their
box, there is a world of difference. The thoughtful miniSwap/U3 drive interface provides professional customers with the ability to easily slide 2.5"
SATA bare drives in and out . This unique trayless hot-swap design allows different drives to be used for different backup sets and/or projects while
supporting an entire drive library with a single enclosure. Multiple miniSwap/U3's can also be used to mount several drives at once.
USB offers Universal Compatibility No matter what computer you are using, odds are it has a USB port. The miniSwap/U3 offers screaming-fast performance up to 440MB/s for new computers with USB 3.0, while also supporting legacy computers with USB 2.0 ports. Universal USB compatibility makes the miniSwap/U3 a useful tool no matter what computer you might have handy. The small, yet rugged miniSwap/U3 can be integrated as a portable "on-the-go" 2.5" enclosure, or as a space saving, high performance, trayless 2.5" desktop drive mounting station.
Recommended Uses
The miniSwap/U3 hardware is designed to excel with audio/video editing, photography, portable computing, storage expansion, backup and any application where external, trayless, hot swap, high performance, data storage is desirable.
The miniSwap/U3 provides the following Key Advantages: