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This information was produced by FirmTek, LLC for customers desiring an analysis of the performance options available
with the FirmTek SeriTek/6G2+2 and FirmTek enclosures. Performance tests were completed with a 2010 Apple Mac Pro. Results will vary with different enclosures or hard disk models.
PCIe 2.0 Bandwidth
The FirmTek SeriTek/6G2+2 provides excellent performance with SATA hard disks (HDD) or Solid State Drives (SSD). Best results will be obtained when the
SeriTek/6G2+2 is mounted in a PCIe 2.0 4x, 8x or 16x expansion slot. The ultra-high bandwidth capability provided by the SeriTek/6G2+2 provides RAID support
in excess of 700MB/sec.
Performance Chart
Samsung EVO 500G SSD
500MB/s Read
427MB/s WriteMount Internally or in miniSwap/ES
Two Samsung EVO 500G
Stripped RAID710MB/s Read
711MB/s Write
Five Samsung F3 HDDs configured as a stripped RAID
238MB/s Read
223MB/s WriteOne SeriTek/5PM
Ten Samsung F3 HDDs configured as a stripped RAID
445MB/s Read
417MB/s WriteTwo SeriTek/5PM